Monday, January 23, 2012


I have been having school dreams.  Guess my mind has not completely gotten the message that retirement has begun!  Last night's dream was interesting.  I had gone to school because I had forgotten something and before I knew it, I had been hired to serve as a teacher assistant for the young woman who has taken my place.  It was the first day of school and she and I were both trying to get the students in the classroom.  They were jumping out of the classroom window or simply walking out of the room an roaming the halls or hiding behind lockers.  By the way, there were some very familiar faces in the rowdy bunch of kids, too!  We finally corralled the students and began a lesson, but I was trying to teach the kids.  The teacher gave me a look that I instantly recognized as "The Teach Look" and  I meekly retreated to the back of the room.  The dream on went with a trip to the cafeteria that I can't begin to explain, but it was again a situation where kids were out of control and we were trying to gain control.  I went the the principal, Jodi, to resign and she said, "Too bad, and we are going to hire Jack as an assistant principal at Ronda-Clingman (an elementary school)!  With those words, I awoke, thank goodness!

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