Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Time on my hands, time in a bottle, as time goes by, time flies when you are having fun. I have discovered that there is working time and retirement time. Let me explain the difference. When I was teaching time seemed to grind slowly forward from the beginning of the year to about mid January. Then I was counting the days until EOG testing and thinking my students wouldn't be ready for the Alpha and Omega of all tests. Then there were the week days. I started dreading Monday on Sunday afternoon. Finally, Wednesday would appear on the horizon, but wait! The next day would be Thursday - the most accursed day of the week! Just when I didn't think I could stand one more day, the sun would rise on Friday. Ahhhh, a sigh of relief.

Now that retirement has set in, I dread Tuesdays. I know it is ungrateful of me to dread any day of the week, but there you are. Just call me an ungrateful wretch. On Tuesdays I have no committments; aka nothing to do. Yes, I can read, clean, play music, go to library, etc. However, that is not the same as HAVING to do something. Plus, my dear sweet husband is home ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!! Ever hear the saying, "Too much togetherness is not a good thing"? It is true.

So, what is a retiree to do? Well, I haven't worked that out yet. But, to my schoolteacher friends, watch out. I may show up at your door looking for something to fill my time on Tuesdays.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012


It's Friday!  Fabulous Friday!  Fantastic Friday!  Dixie Donut Friday!!!!  For the uninitiated Dixie Donuts is a local bakery that specializes in ....... donuts!!!!  Their product surpasses both Dunkin' Donuts and Krispy Kreme, in my humble opinion. 

After a grueling 60 minutes in water aerobics class plus 1.5 laps in the lap pool, my girls (aka dogs) and I went to DD.  It is a mere 1/4 mile from the Y!!!  How perfect is that ?  It is a beautiful day here so the four of us sat on a picnic bench and nibbled donuts.  Perfection, pure perfection.  Only 1 donut won't hurt, will it?????

By the way, the crumbs from the sugar glaze works great to relieve pruny fingers.  The glaze may be applied externally or taken internally.  :)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

THIS is what retirement is all about!

Grandpa and Wes read a book.

Welcome Graham Michael Sidney

Graham and Gran


Monday, February 13, 2012

Senior Cititzens

I detest the label, "Senior Citizens".  Senior Citizens are OLD people.  Really old people.  Really, really old people.  That is NOT me.  I am not old.  60 isn't really old, it is the new middle age!  I refuse to go to Silver Sneakers class at the Y because of the name.  OK, it is also because I don't like to exercise, but that is an argument for a later date.  So that is why, after water aerobics today,when I was asked to join a swim team for Senior Olympics, I blanched!!!!  There is that word again!!!!  I am retired, not dead!!!  These are not my twilight years.  They are the years of new horizons, of new adventures, years of growth.  The sun isn't setting on my life, it is rising just like it has been doing for the last 59.3 years.  I don't want to be a Senior Citizen or a Junior or a Sophomore or a Freshman.  How about an experienced citizen or a knowledgeable citizen??? What's wrong with those appellations????  Even better, just a plain ordinary citizen!!  Who thought up Senior Citizen anyway???  Probably some cutesy wet-behind-the-ears advertising chick.  I can hear it now.  "Oh, that is just too clever!  The poor old sods won't even realize it's a label!  Isn't being young and obnoxious great?????"  Add in in lots of eyelash batting, too.  Good grief!!!!!  Let's write to our political leaders and decry the unfairness of labeling people Senior Citizens.  Man the typewriters, man the teletype machines, man the telegraphs, saddle up the Pony Express!  What do you mean, these are all antiquated means of communications???  Antiquated?  Is that a euphemism for Senior?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Big News

Another Steele male has entered into the world.  Graham Michael was born on Feb. 4.  That makes 9 great grandsons for Jack's mom.  Wow!

On a different note.  I recently watched Fried Green Tomatoes, again, and was struck by this line. "I am too old to be young and too young to be old."  What a perfect description of post-middle age.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Conversation

My daughter tells me that the key to exercising is to listen to one's body and not one's mind.  So today in water aerobics I tried that strategy.  It went something like this...

Mind:  You don't really want to get out of this warm, soft bed to get into a moderately cold pool, do you???
Body:  You will feel so much better if you get up and go!!!!
Me:  OK!!!! I am going to water aerobics and I don't want to hear anymore whining.
Body:  Nanny nanny boo boo to you Mind.  You think you are so powerful!

45 Minutes later in a moderately cold pool.

Mind:  I cannot believe you are doing this!  What is wrong with you????  This water is cold and you can't even hear the instructor!!  Good grief!!!
Body:  Don't listen to the Mind, listen to me!  I am having a wonderful time!!!  This is great!!  As long as you are moving you will be warm.  The instructor demonstrates everything so you don't really need to hear her anyway! 

30 minutes into the class

Body:  Uh, Kath, I don't know if you have noticed, but the lungs are straining to get enough air and the arm muscles are screaming about fatigue.  We all think you need to slow down.
Mind:  I told you so.  I told you so. I told you so. 
Me:  Both of you be quiet!!!  Stop whining!!!  I will take us to the donut shop after class if everyone just works together to get through this.
Mind and Body:  Aw, that is so sweet! (Pun intended) 

So, my sweet daughter was right.  It is important to listen to one's body while exercising.  Now, I wonder if I should tell my therapist about all the voices I have been hearing!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Water Aerobics

That's right, I said "Water aerobics."   My philosophy of exercise is that it is to be avoided at all costs, but my doctor does not agree.  One reason I don't like to exercise is because I don't like to sweat; hence water aerobics.  Even if I get hot, I am in water and can instantly cool off. 

Last week the teacher handed out paddles for us to use.  They were shaped like a weight that had been smashed flat.  The round pieces at either end of the handle had a fan-like contraption that could be opened or closed depending on how much resistance is desired.  Before I go on, you must understand that I have spent the last 25 years of my life with middle schoolers.  Because of that, middle school behavior sometimes, dare I say rarely?, slips into my psyche.  The very moment I was handed the paddle this thought enter my water-logged brain.  "What would happen if I slapped this into the water and made a splash????"  I looked at the elderly woman who was in front of me and for one horrible second I could see my hand move downward causing a hair soaking spray.  It was like a slow motion  scene in a movie.  All the hairspray in the world could not have saved this woman's coif.  Fortunately for me the thought quickly vanished and Mrs. Helmet-head remained oblivious.  I, however, was left feeling a bit unfulfilled.

On another note.  Monday, Jan. 30, there was an entire flock of robins in our yard.  Considering the mild winter we have had so far, I will be curious to see if we really have cold and snow this year.

Finally, I had to go to my former school this week.  I went to the workroom to deliver the letters I had written, then turned and found myself looking at my old mailbox.  My name wasn't there.  Another dose of reality.