Monday, February 13, 2012

Senior Cititzens

I detest the label, "Senior Citizens".  Senior Citizens are OLD people.  Really old people.  Really, really old people.  That is NOT me.  I am not old.  60 isn't really old, it is the new middle age!  I refuse to go to Silver Sneakers class at the Y because of the name.  OK, it is also because I don't like to exercise, but that is an argument for a later date.  So that is why, after water aerobics today,when I was asked to join a swim team for Senior Olympics, I blanched!!!!  There is that word again!!!!  I am retired, not dead!!!  These are not my twilight years.  They are the years of new horizons, of new adventures, years of growth.  The sun isn't setting on my life, it is rising just like it has been doing for the last 59.3 years.  I don't want to be a Senior Citizen or a Junior or a Sophomore or a Freshman.  How about an experienced citizen or a knowledgeable citizen??? What's wrong with those appellations????  Even better, just a plain ordinary citizen!!  Who thought up Senior Citizen anyway???  Probably some cutesy wet-behind-the-ears advertising chick.  I can hear it now.  "Oh, that is just too clever!  The poor old sods won't even realize it's a label!  Isn't being young and obnoxious great?????"  Add in in lots of eyelash batting, too.  Good grief!!!!!  Let's write to our political leaders and decry the unfairness of labeling people Senior Citizens.  Man the typewriters, man the teletype machines, man the telegraphs, saddle up the Pony Express!  What do you mean, these are all antiquated means of communications???  Antiquated?  Is that a euphemism for Senior?


  1. I feel exactly the same way, but with the eloquence left out :-)

  2. I only claim being a senior citizen when it gets me a discount!!
