Monday, March 19, 2012

Southern Talk

"Bless his/her/your/their heart".  I love this phrase.  It is an all-encompassing phrase and is the southern woman's dagger sheathed in satin.  Context is absolutely critical to the use of this phrase.  For instance, while discussing the bad luck of a neighbor the phrase implies a true feeling of regret for the neighbor's difficulties.  But, when applied to someone who has done or said something really idiotic then the seemingly innocuous phrase takes on a tone that can only be described as lethal.  "Bless her heart.  I know she meant well, but did you see how short that dress was?  You could see all the way downtown!"  "Bless his heart, he can't help it.  He's had no raisin'. "  "Bless their hearts, they try so hard, but well, they can't help it that they were born into that family.  It does seem that they would learn from their mistakes but I guess not.  Bless their hearts." 

Beware of southern women who bless your heart.  They may have something else entirely in mind for your heart.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha! i'll have to watch how i use it now that you've put the word out!
