Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Down on the farm

Early this morning my husband let our dogs out for their morning "business".  One of our sweet girls began to growl at our grill.  Odd behavior even for this particular dog who has some behavioral issues.  So my hubby lifted the grill cover to see what was bothering our sweet girl.  Low and behold, a pair of eyes stared back at him!!!!  Before dropping the cover and making a hasty retreating into the house he did recognize the distinctive face of a raccoon which begs the question, "What the hell is a raccoon doing hiding under the grill cover??????"  The varmint wasn't talking.
After numerous phone calls to animal control, police department, vet, and exterminator, all who wanted nothing to do with said raccoon, we chased the interloper into the woods hopefully never to be seen again!

1 comment:

  1. hehehe...glad to see you are stilling chasing varmits :) miss you!!
